Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011


so, i swear it's not cause i'm lazy or anything, but for the second week straight there are just no cup signs. maybe people are just super busy cause its coming to the end of the semester, but either way,  i don't have anything to say. maybe this would be a good time to think about what i would say if i were to make a cup sign. i'm not sure. i think i would try to do something funny. yeah, it's cool to do something that makes people think, but i think there's enough of that. i wouldn't do anything offensive or provacitive  cause once again, i don't think we need much more of that. i like making people laugh, so i think that's what i would do. but what would i say? well, maybe i would have to just limit myself and do something that only a target audience would find funny. what would you do?

Monday, April 11, 2011

no cups?

what has the world come to? there were no cup signs anywhere this week. ok, there were, but they were old ones or they had already had a bunch of cups taken so the message was very distorted. oh well, i guess i can't always expect it, plus with nasty weather all week i guess it's understandable. maybe this week someone out there will leave a good one.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I (heart)...

k, what's with all the love? i love ben, john love mandy, joany loves chachi... i mean i'm not complaining, cause i love love, it's a great thing and the world needs more of it, but seriously, on one bridge i saw four... yeah, four, love declarations in cups. maybe it's just that one bridge, i dunno, but i thought it was kinda funny. anyway, that's all i saw this week.